Introducing Lauren O’Sullivan: Yard Athletics Personal Training Specialist

Introducing Lauren O'Sullivan: Yard Athletics Personal Training Specialist
by Yard Athletics – Oct 20th, 2020

Yard Athletics is pleased to welcome the newest member of the personal training team, Lauren O’Sullivan! Starting October 26th, you can find Lauren on the MindBody schedule for both daily group classes as well as 1:1 and 2:1 personal training.

We want our amazing community to meet and train with Lauren ASAP, so for the next 3 weeks we’re running a special promo where you can get 50% off any 1:1 drop-in session with her on MindBody.

If you’ve never done a 1:1 personal training session but have always been curious, now’s the chance! If you have, but just want to say hello, well… get on there and lock it in.

As always we want to get to know our community on a deeper level, so what better way to welcome Lauren to the team than by throwing our infamous 20 Questions series at her. Read below to see who the must-have artist is on a workout playlist, what food you’ll never catch her eating, and most importantly, what to expect in one of Lauren’s workout classes…. Enjoy!

  1. Hometown?

I moved around a ton growing up so I don’t have a hometown per se but I’ve called Vancouver home since 2011.

  1. How did you first hear about Yard Athletics?

@denisemdaviss dragged my spin/pilates ass out to lift something heavy at 6am – never looked back.

  1. Clothing company you wish would sponsor you?


  1. Must have track on a workout playlist?

Anything by Flume

  1. Favorite restaurant, favorite dish?

Nook – Rigatoni Boscaiola

  1. Best show on Netflix?

I’m a very mood dependent TV watcher but I’m currently watching The Haunting of Bly Manor and I do recommend.

  1. Favorite sport growing up?

Swimming – cheers to my parents for the 5am practice drop-offs.

  1. Food you refuse to eat?

Beans, you get food poisoning once and they are pretty done for.

  1. Best / Worst exercise?

Love me a plank series and hands down, Burpees

  1. Talent you would most like to have?

Playing the guitar

Lauren O'Sullivan


  1. If you could live in another city for a year, where you going?

I actually moved to London in January of this year but with the pandemic, I quickly realized there’s no place like home.

  1. Fastest time up the Grouse Grind?

I’ve never done it – I always dip to the BCMC trail about 10m east to avoid the stairs.

  1. Hero; real or fictional?

Judith Butler

  1. Dream vacation?

One day I’d love to refurbish a van and head south – but until I have my own, a van trip around Iceland is high on the list.

  1. Favorite patio?

Some of my best memories have been created at my family home’s patio – nothing beats it.

  1. Favorite drink to have on that patio?

Spicy Mezcal Marg

  1. Food trend you hate?

Juice Cleanse – And I’ve done them to justify the hatred!

  1. What can people expect during one of Lauren’s workouts?

Sarcasm and high heart rates.

  1. Most regrettable purchase?

Signing my 12-month lease in London at the beginning of the year – months of regret.

  1. Food that is bad for you that you will never stop eating?

The sweetest of milk chocolate – have desperately tried to become one of those people who just “love” dark chocolate but it’s never going to happen.



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