20 Questions with Jocelyn Erickson: Yard Athletics Trainer

By Henry Gould – July 30th, 2018
Welcome to a new series in the Yard Athletics blog! We wanted to get to know everyone in the Yard community a little better, so naturally we figured the best way to do this was fire 20 random questions at them.
Today were talking to Jocelyn “Joce” Erickson, coach at Yard Athletics and all around fitness guru. In addition to working with clients at Yard Athletics, she is heavily involved with RIDE Cycle Club as a spin class instructor, as well as an experienced olympic lifting coach.
Does Joce prefer coffee or tea? Beer to wine? Squats or curls??? It’s all here! Take a read through and let us know if there’s someone you would like to see featured.
20 Questions with Joce Erickson

1. Hometown
Halifax, Nova Scotia
2. Junk food that you will never stop eating
Impulse chocolate from the grocery store check out… :S
3. Favorite sport growing up
I followed in my big sisters’ footsteps and played basketball and volleyball as a young one.
4. Favorite patio in Vancouver
The Wicklow at sunset.
5. Favorite drink to have on that patio
Gin and cucumbers… Aperol Spritz… Cold white wine… really any shitty draft beer…
6. Rolling Stones or Beatles
Neither. Cardi B. Really just very impressed Mick Jagger is still alive, but I stand by my answer.
7. Song guaranteed to get a RIDE session fired up?
Impossible to pick one!!! A fun fact though: “I’m Alive” by Celine Dion (straight-up no remix) was the real clincher in my RIDE audition.
8. Person / People that inspired you to get into the fitness community?
I got involved in Crossfit with Raincity Athletics in 2013, which completely changed my perspective towards strength training especially as women. The day I cried in Michael Kong’s RIDE class was also a big one.
10. Dream vacation
Making my way up the coast of Peru. A little summer chasing in Europe next year is also on the list.

11. Favorite restaurant, favorite dish
Also impossible. Mantou buns at Bao Bei are always ALWAYS up there.
12. Coffee or Tea
Always coffee.
13. Thing you love most about Yard Athletics?
Oh man… Honestly, seeing all egos drop. Everyone is an equal in the gym. Seeing so many women really love and commit to strength training. The nonstop entertainment working with Shawzo and Ilan. The list goes on.
We all know that answer is Shawzo. #gainer
15. Different career path you may have taken
I had a past life in sales for about 5 years before I got into fitness full-time! But those who know me well know I was in a choir in high school and I thought I was pretty great…
16. Greatest fear
Settling. Also geese.
18. Curls for the girls, or squat til you drop?
BOTH. But if I must choose, squats. All day.
19. Favorite workout outside of Yard or RIDE?
ALL CITY ATHLETICS. Aside from the shaky hands and a level of soreness I’ve never quite felt anywhere else, I genuinely feel like an unstoppable machine when I leave.
20. Where is Joce in 10 years?
Still coaching/training/teaching in some way! Hopefully always a part of this incredibly rad community we have.