One Team Spot Left!
by Yard Athletics – July 16th, 2019
We’ve only got room for one more social division team, then the social media assault can stop!
Everyone at Yard Athletics & lululemon are absolutely floored with the support and registration we’ve received so far. Especially for a Saturday in the middle of summer, it means the world that almost 200 participants are coming out to #YARDWORK2019 to have a TON of fun, as well as raise some money for a good cause.
If you’re one of those last people on the fence, or a newcomer that wasn’t at YardWork 1.0 in Stanley, here’s a quick rundown of how everything is going down this Saturday:
JULY 20th
$200/Team ($50/Participant), signup >>>HERE<<<
Food: Big Day BBQ + beer Garden (*food and booze voucher included in registration costs)
Swag bags for all participants courtesy of lululemon and lululemon Lab!
All proceeds benefitting KidSport BC
This year, Two Different Divisions (Competitive and Social) with 192 participants.
The Social Division leads off:
Registration opening at 9:00AM
Events begin 10:30
End 12:15
Followed up by the Competitive Division:
Registration opening at 11:15AM
Events begin 12:45
End 3:00