Livestream Class Info and Schedule; YouTube Channel Now LIVE; Remote Coaching

by Yard Athletics – March 31st, 2020
The entire Yard Athletics team has been blown away with the support for our Livestream Workout Classes on Zoom! These strange times have made us adapt to make the best of the situation at hand, which is why we have started offering daily workout classes with our Yard coaches streamed directly to your home via the Zoom video conferencing app.
Below is a breakdown of how it all works, schedule of workouts for the next few days, as well as some settings that will help make things run smoother for everyone.
- To join a class, download the Zoom app onto your phone, laptop or tablet so you can follow along
- To download Zoom click HERE
- Log on ~10 minutes before the class starts to make sure everything is working correctly
- Sign up for the classes via the MindBody app, same as you would for a normal Yard Athletics workout
- Zoom ID & Password will be located in the Mindbody email receipt
- Please MUTE your own microphone to avoid noise disruption
- To “Pin” the instructor, click the ellipses in the top right corner of your screen
Schedule for Zoom Livestream Classes
March 31st, 2020 – Luke @ 9:00am
April 1st, 2020 – Sam @ 9:00am
April 2nd, 2020 – Ilan @ 9:00am / Sam @ 5:00pm
April 3rd, 2020 – Torin @ 9:00am & 5:00pm
April 4th, 2020 – Luke @ 9:00am & 12:00pm
April 5th, 2020 – Sam @ 9:00am
April 6th, 2020 – Ilan @ 9:00am / Sam 5:00pm
Remote Coaching
Want to have a private and personal 1:1 workout with one of our Yard Athletics coaches, specially tailored to your home workout space? Let us know! Drop an email to “[email protected]” and we’ll help craft a program that you can do with whatever equipment you have.
Rates are $25 for 30 minutes, $35 for 45 minutes, $45 for 60 minutes, done via Zoom, Facetime or WhatsApp video.
YouTube Channel
The official Yard Athletics is now live – please subscribe to help boost the rating of the channel.
On there you’ll find 200+ demonstration videos to help assist in your workouts. Use it as the great resource that it is!
Yard Online Training Series
Our Yard Online Training Series of programs are now $75! The 3 Day Free Trial is still in effect, so no commitment needed if you want to try it out.