Our team has grown significantly over the past year and we are stoked to have Nick as one of our newest coaches. What better way to get to know him than a classic Yard 20 questions blog post! Let’s get to know our newest coach better!
1) Hometown?
East Selkirk, Manitoba
2) How did you first hear about Yard?
One of my friends from physio school, Matt Ney, told me he used to work here before moving to Australia for school
3) What was your first experience with Yard?
Instagram creeping which led to a cold-call email to Ilan about potential opportunities, and an interview shortly after that
4) Favorite lift?
Tie between Barbell Clean and Bench Press
5) Least favorite exercise?
Steady-state running on a treadmill. Sooooo boring…
6) How do you stay motivated?
Passion for the human body and its capabilities, which leads me to want to set an example for others. Practice what you preach!
7) Best advice you received?
Do a couple of push ups before getting your photo taken in a gym
8) Worst advice?
Deadlifts are bad for your back
9) Your favorite part about Yard?
High-quality equipment, welcoming yet serious atmosphere, and the accountability/work ethic that every person shows when they’re in. You never see anything half-assed in there.
10) Top 3 songs in your gym playlist?
– Bulls on Parade – Rage Against the Machine
– When the Levee Breaks – Led Zeppelin
– For Whom the Bell Tolls – Metallica
11) Go to post-workout meal?
Runny eggs, cubed potato/veggie hash, feta cheese, and spinach
12) How did you start your fitness journey?
I was always very fit and active and “athletic” from a very early age, but I had an unhealthy relationship with food which led to having an unhealthy relationship with my body image. I weighed close to 280 at my heaviest, which was not a healthy 280, even though I was playing in multiple sports throughout the weeks/months/years. Wasn’t until the end of first-year university that I decided to buckle down and change some eating habits while focusing on lifting more. It really snowballed from there, leading me to change my Bachelor’s degree one year before finishing into a Kinesiology degree and subsequent Doctor of Physiotherapy.
13) How would you describe the Yard environment?
Loud music. Heavy weights. Amazing staff. Better clientele. What more could you ask for in a gym?
14) The last book you read?
Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training – Bret Contreras, Glen Cordoza
15) Advice for someone coming to train with you for the first time?
No matter what you think your barriers are to your goals (time, injuries, experience, interest, motivation, etc.), we can definitely work within those limits to make an effective and enjoyable experience each and every time.
16) What are you doing when you’re not at the Yard?
Physiotherapy with clients, working on research, playing with my dog, being active outdoors, eating at high-end restaurants and hole-in-the-wall dives
17) Advice for someone who is starting out their fitness journey?
Don’t do it for anyone but yourself. You have to want to make the changes/choices you do. Otherwise the motivation and drive to stay committed is transient at best.
18) What’s in your gym bag?
Pair of Batman & Robin Converse Chuck Taylors, pre-workout, chalk, Bluetooth speaker, spikey rolley ball, Bluetooth headphones
19) Are you a morning person?
No issues with getting up at 4 am to lift/study/work if I plan my evening before properly
20) What’s your morning routine?
Check emails, take the dog out for a walk, grab bags (prepared the night before) and head out the door