20 Questions w/ Kendra, Giselle & Amanda: #YARDHARD Triple Threat

20 Questions w/ Kendra, Giselle & Amanda: #YARDHARD Triple Threat
by Yard Athletics – Feb 26th, 2020

After long last, the 20 Questions series is back! Feels like it’s been forever since we did one of these, so let’s not waste any time and get right back to it.

Today we feature not 1, not 2, but 3 (!) amazing women – Kendra, Giselle and Amanda – who have been training at Yard Athletics for the last few years.

As always, we wanted to dig a little deeper and find out what makes each of them tick, who can bench the most of the 3, and what the absolute worst pet peeve is in the gym.


1. Hometown(s)?
Kendra: Beautiful Lyons, NY USA. 
Amanda: Van City
Giselle: Sylvan Lake, AB
2. How did you get started with Yard Athletics?
Kendra: Giselle brought me a few times over the years and we had the best time so I decided to make the switch and get Yard hard full time this fall. 
Amanda: Giselle got me into it
Giselle: Sarah Hamhuis recommended Ilan. 
3. Favorite restaurant, favorite dish?
Kendra: This week its Savio Volpe- gnocchi with duck ragu.
Amanda: Bao Bei, fried rice. 
Giselle: Nook Rigatonio Boscaiola and greens, sans onion
4. Who can bench press the most of you 3?
Kendra: Me!
Amanda: Kendo, 100%
Giselle: Kendra, hands down. 
5. Company you wish would sponsor you?
Kendra: Been asking McDonalds to sponsor me for years. Still waiting. 
Amanda: ADIDAS or Fendi Sport lol
Giselle: Aritzia
6. Last text you sent = the title of your new autobiography
Kendra: “Nice! What an exciting day!!”
Amanda: “Can you pick up some broc. thx”
Giselle: “I’m starved”
7. Which Yard Athletics trainer is the toughest?
Kendra: Torin. 
Amanda: I plead the fifth
Giselle: Ilan… sorry Sam you’re a close second. 
8. Last thing you watched on Netflix?
Kendra: How I Met Your Mother- It’s the only program I watch other than the news. 
Amanda: Stranger Things
Giselle: Paw Patrol… cause kids. 
9. Most annoying thing about Vancouver?
Kendra: Nothing. This city is perfect. 
Amanda: How much time do you have?? No haha, the rain and the style. Oh and housing prices.
Giselle: Umbrella eitquette, or dinner reservations because you’ll never get in without them. 
10. Fastest time up the Grouse Grind?
Kendra: 45 min 39 seconds on August 9, 2018. Haven’t been back since. 
Amanda: 50 mins. Room for improvement. 
Giselle: 1:10
11. Best post-workout snack?
Kendra: Almond Croissant or a Mind Body Energy Club shake 
Amanda: Smoothie
Giselle: Razzbutter at Body Energy Club
12. Favorite thing about Yard Athletics?
Kendra: How welcoming and encouraging the trainers are regardless of your fitness level. 
Amanda: The boys obvs. 
Giselle: Atmosphere, positive reinforcement, and the trainers are… OK too… 😉
13. Junk food you will never stop eating?
Kendra: McDonald’s, all chocolate chip cookies, anything that is mostly sugar. 
Amanda: Doritos. Final answer. 
Giselle: Pastries, mostly croissants and cookies of any kind. 
14. Best patio?
Kendra: Anywhere with an open seat and good company. 
Amanda: I’m gunna say Il Giardino
Giselle: Tap & Barrel upstairs
15. Best drink to have on that patio?
Kendra: Gin, juniper forward 
Amanda: Aperol Spritz
Giselle: White rum soda, splash of coke (Pepsi preferred) with lime wedge
16. Dream vacation?
Kendra: Tree house in the jungle 
Amanda: Yacht in the Med. 
Giselle: Greece or Switzerland
17. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
Kendra: Trust and follow your instincts 
Amanda: Don’t judge anyone, you don’t know the day they’ve had. 
Giselle: Treat others the way you want to be treated. 
18. Pet peeve in the gym?
Kendra: Dirty Mirrors and weights being put away improperly
Amanda: Parking. 
Giselle: Unnecessary aggressive grunting.
19. Airplane: aisle, middle or window?
Kendra: Aisle
Amanda: Anything but the middle. 
Giselle: Window. 
20. Advice for someone starting at Yard Athletics? 
Kendra: Don’t be intimidated, especially by Sam’s flow and Ilan’s calves, it’s the most fun and welcoming environment. Be ready to be amazed by what your body is capable of. 
Amanda: Get ready to get your ass handed to you. But also to talk about movies and food. Lol
Giselle: Not really advice but it can be intimidating walking into a new gym and having a male trainer but they are all so good at making you feel welcomed and comfortable. Just try it and you’ll see! 

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